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Global Volunteers eCatalog - Travel that Feeds the Soul

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"After 40 years in service worldwide, we know investing inchildren is the most optimistic and lasting work anyone cando. The destiny of the planet is in their hands, but theirability to safeguard the future is in our hands."- Bud Philbrook, Global Volunteers Co-founder and CEO

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2EMBRACE THE WORLD AS A GLOBAL VOLUNTEER4 4Volunteer with children and adults in engaging cultures! Book your service programat Call us at (800) 487-1074 to speak with one of our programexperts. 567 89101213 1415161718211

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Community Volunteer Work Projects:Across the USA, proud traditions of care are passed onfor generations. As a Global Volunteer, you’ll contributeto community projects to improve the lives of childrenand families from the “inside” as a part of daily life.You’re needed to help at summer school programs,elder feeding programs, and worksites to build, repair,and renovate homes and brighten common areas. Nospecial skills are required to work alongside localpeople on their community projects. You may think you know the USA, but these “family-friendly” communities will broaden your perspective ofthis nation in surprising ways. Learn lessons in self -determination, cultural diversity, and the simple “grit”for getting things done. Best of all, they’re only a day’sdrive or a short flight from most USA urban centers.Join us this year! From Puerto Rico to the tribal nations ofthe Great Plains, you can help resourcefulcommunities provide a better life for theircitizens. We connect you one-on-one withlocal people on significant communitydevelopment projects for a week of service,learning, and fun. You and your teammateswill enjoy the unique experience ofbecoming a part of another community andmaking a difference. Explore a fascinatingculture different from your own within theborders of the USA.U S A P R O G R A M SVOLUNTEERIN THEUSALodging and Meals:Dormitory or motel-style lodgingSelf-serve breakfast at lodging Bag lunches at work siteDinners of regional favorites atlocal restaurants or prepared by alocal cookStandard service programs are oneweek. listsprogram dates and tax-deductibleservice program contributions.Exceptional - - 800-487-1074“Over the years, Global Volunteers built sustainable relationships and credibility throughvolunteers’ hard work and sensitivity.” ~ Arnold Kerzner, Montana Volunteer Many of our projects help to provide food and nutrition servicesto communities.

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On the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of northwest Montana, days are measured by the seasons, andthe circle of life is celebrated through sacred traditions and historical customs. This is an isolatedarea of the US, generally only visited by non-Indians on their way to Glacier National Park. Theeconomic and political center of the reservation is Browning – which is also the county seat andlocation of federal Bureau of Indian Affairs offices. You may serve meals to or visit elders, read aloud to pre-school children, assist with youthrecreational programs, repair buildings, paint and landscape public facilities, and help withpreparations for special events, such as the annual Indian Days celebration. After the work day, youcan explore the wide open spaces of the Western Plains, participate in traditional sweats, practicebeading, learn about the Blackfeet language, or take a trail ride on horseback. Under the directionof our local Blackfeet community partners, you’re offered an “unvarnished,” personal glimpse intothe daily realities of life on “the rez.” - - 800-487-1074“The Global Volunteers who have been coming to the rez for more than 20 yearshave been eager to learn our ways and have also taught us respect for the workthey do to help us in so many ways. They are good for our people.” ~ Tom Crawford, Blackfeet ElderBlackfeet NationVolunteers work on the Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, USA.

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Puerto Rico attracts millions of tourists every year—many drawn to its vibrant culture, naturalbeauty, and consistently gorgeous weather.Digging deeper reveals a community requestingyour help – orphaned and vulnerable childrenneeding psycho-social support, students looking tosharpen their English skills, and communitybuildings needing tender loving care. Lend yourhands, hearts, and spirit to this effort. In just oneweek, you can make a difference and form lastingbonds of friendship with the people of Puerto Rico. Our community partners are in the city ofAguadilla and surrounding area, along thenorthwest corner of the island. The resilient andrightfully proud people of this community facehurricanes, brain drain, and numerous structuraleconomic challenges. Over 50% of the populationlive below the poverty line, the unemployment rateis double the US national average, and manystruggle day-to-day. Young women and childrenare particularly in need; according to the USCensus Bureau; the largest demographic groupliving in poverty is females aged 25-34. Yourassistance can provide a ray of hope. Community work projects in Aguadilla includeteaching conversational English to children andadults. Preparing and serving meals or organizingclothing and other donated items for distributionin the community. Assisting with the maintenanceand rehabilitation of community buildingsPUERTO - - 800-487-1074Volunteers assist with sorting clothes at the thrift store inPuerto Rico.NEW SERVICE PROGRAMTEXASThe Rio Grande Valley often looms large in today’snews. But beyond the headlines and politics lies avibrant community requesting your help. Thefamilies we assist struggle with the basicnecessities of life. You can lend your hands andspirit to projects improving their living conditionsthrough an exemplary program founded to assistmigrant farm workers. In just one week, you canmake a difference, form bonds with the people ofSan Juan, and learn firsthand about the issuesfacing this multicultural community. Our host and community partner in San Juan isProyecto Azteca, a non-profit self-helpconstruction company that serves low-incomefamilies in colonias (unincorporated, low-incomeneighborhoods, often with few city services) inpredominantly rural areas of Hidalgo County,Texas. Proyecto Azteca is a nationally recognizedorganization that has financed and trained closeto 1,000 families in the construction and first-timeownership of their own homes. Proyecto Azteca isalso part of a large coalition of communityorganizations working to improve the lives of arearesidents in the areas of housing, education andhealth. Work projects in San Juan include providingassistance to refugees (helping at the local respitecenter), helping at the food bank, and light labor(home building and repair, colonia clean up).Rio Grande ValleyVolunteers help at Proyecto Azteca to repair homes of low-income families.

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T E A C H C O N V E R S A T I O N A L E N G L I S HVOLUNTEERINCHINAHelp elevate international understandingand cooperation in Chinese classrooms.Global Volunteers was one of the first USnon-sectarian NGOs to send short-termvolunteers to the People’s Republic ofChina in 1996. And, we’re one of only a fewnon-profit organizations certified to teachin Xi’an schools. You can personally help expand Englishlanguage learning opportunities for China’sfuture leaders in public and privateelementary classrooms and in colleges andvocational schools.Lodging and Meals:Spacious, modern hotel Double-occupancy roomsSingle occupancy availableAmerican-style breakfast at hotelLunch and dinner at restaurantsFree-Time Options:Museums, parks, theater, shopsArcheological sitesTerra Cotta Warriors Standard service programs are one ortwo weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions.Community Volunteer Work Projects:Teach conversational English to youth and adults inprimary, secondary, or university classrooms. Teachersappreciate your assistance to enhance students’comprehension and understanding of English and yourcontribution to educational opportunities throughouttheir schools. This program is well-suited to volunteerswho seek predictable and meaningful volunteerprojects. You’ll be matched with students based upontheir level of English language proficiency. Our community partners enable you to help Chinesestudents and teachers prepare for work in the globalarena, where English serves as the universal language of commerce, technology, and opportunity. Whileteacher-volunteers are especially appreciated, noformal teaching experience is required. Every open-minded native English speaker can provide a - - 800-487-1074"The students were remarkable. We told them we brought something that can helpthem….the English language, and if they share their understanding with others, the worldwill certainly be a better place.” ~ Richard Chun, China Volunteer Volunteers teach English in Xi’an’s primary, secondary, anduniversity classrooms.

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The self-reliant Maori people of the beautifuland isolated Cook Islands welcome yourassistance to help children reach their fullpotential - and to enjoy their vigorous,Polynesian culture. Civic leaders work toreverse youth migration to other countriesand create employment opportunitiesthroughout the 15 islands. Our NGO partnerson the main island of Rarotonga work to helpbolster literacy and social services in severalsettings. Individuals, families, and groups of allsizes are needed to work with the island’steachers and children!D E L I V E R E S S E N T I A L S E R V I C E SVOLUNTEERIN THECOOK ISLANDSLodging and Meals:Delightful oceanfront guesthouseDouble-occupancy roomsSingle occupancy availableAmerican-style breakfast Packed lunch at work siteLocal cuisine for dinner mealFree-Time Options:Ocean sports, hiking, and bikingDance and music performancesWeekly cultural marketStandard service programs are one,two or three weeks. lists program datesand tax-deductible service programcontributions.Community Volunteer Work Projects:Global Volunteers' teams assist with a variety of youtheducation projects, including helping improve Englishproficiency through reading, arts-and-crafts, and games,study for math tests, and practice lessons. High schoolstudents also need your assistance to improve theircomputer skills. Further, if you like working with your hands, you canhelp paint, repair, and renovate school facilities and work on plumbing, carpentry, and electricalprojects. Community needs change from season toseason, so we ask you to be flexible. Volunteers alsowork alongside environmental scientists at the Takitumuconservation area. Plant seedlings, clear walking areas,repair existing trails, clear fallen trees, and do lightconstruction. Volunteers with a background in nursing, especially in - - 800-487-1074“I experienced what it is like to live in a developing nation. I learned about the Maori people,their culture and traditions, their food, their land wars, their families -- but most of all, Ilearned patience.” ~ Connie Xuereb, Cook Islands Volunteer Volunteers tutor students in reading and math in classroomsand small groups. the field of children’s health are needed to assist the Cook Islands Child Welfare Associationwith conducting baby health examinations and organizing parent/child evening workshops.

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VOLUNTEERINCUBACuba is an extraordinary country! We offeryou legal one and two-week people-to-people and service-learning programs iniconic Havana and rural Ciego de Ávila, toserve the welcoming Cuban people.Working together, we build a relationshipof openness and respect based on mutualunderstanding. Help them improve theirfutures while you experience the vibrancyof Cuban art, music, theatre, and dance.Everyone is needed; everyone can bemeaningfully engaged. Standard service programs are one ortwo weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions. Exceptional service-learning opportunities.Community Volunteer Work Projects:Our Cuba program combines the best of volunteerservice and people-to-people exchanges by engagingyou on projects in support of the Cuban people. Youcan improve young adults' English throughconversations with small groups. Collaborate with awomen’s cooperative sewing and making unique craftsto generate income. Engage seniors in stimulatinggames and activities. Paint and repair buildings thatsupport the broader community. This is an innovative program opportunity for Cubansto experience the generosity of American volunteersand an extraordinary opportunity for Americans togain a rare perspective into daily life through the eyesof the local people. Our program enables you to contribute tohumanitarian projects supporting Cuban youth andadults and help us build on our relationship with ourresourceful Cuban partners. - - 800-487-1074C U B A S E R V I C E P R O G R A M“Global Volunteers will help us bring about the necessary changes our nation craves.” ~ Eduardo González, Cuban Community PartnerVolunteer Sue Surma engages a Cuban woman in Englishconversation lessons. Lodging and Meals: Charming casa particulares (B&B)Double-occupancy rooms Single-occupancy available Three authentic Cuban mealsdaily dinner at area restaurants Free-Time Options: Museum visits and walking tours Art exhibitions Dancing & musicaldemonstrations Cuba history lecture

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VOLUNTEERINGREECEThe island of Crete – a Mediterraneanjewel boasting white-washed houses andturquoise waters – is a land of antiquityand vibrant culture. But Crete hasstruggled economically and now needssome outside catalytic assistance. Our municipal government partners wantto engage you in a summer youth Englishlanguage school or after-school tutoring sothe children can improve their Englishskills – the international language ofopportunity. Lodging and Meals:Charming, family-owned hotelDouble-occupancy roomsSingle occupancy availableEuropean-style breakfast at hotelHotel and restaurant mealsFree-Time Options:“Mountains to sea” hiking Knossos, Phaistos, Malia Palace &other excavated ancient sitesSeaside towns and sunnybeachesStandard service programs are one ortwo weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions.Community Volunteer Work Projects:Conversational English language instruction is anenjoyable, invigorating activity for most native Englishspeakers. During the school year, volunteers help out inthe late afternoon or early evening in conversationalEnglish classes at five local schools. The students atthese five schools are aged seven through eighteen andthe older children are at the level of taking the highestEnglish diploma exam. Here volunteers can aidteachers in class to give students the extra practicethey often need to successfully pass their exams. Onsummer programs, you’ll help students bridge theschool years through English practice sessions atmotivating summer schools. - - 800-487-1074“I was a bit surprised when the girls started passing hand-made ‘good-bye’ and ‘I loveyou’ cards to me. The toughest part is when they look up at you and say ‘please don’t go!’That just melts my heart.” ~ Jennifer Starin, Greece VolunteerT E A C H C O N V E R S A T I O N A L E N G L I S HVolunteers work in bright and lively classrooms with English-language students.Additionally, volunteers are needed to provide practical and psychosocial support to staffand children at the newly built children's home, the House of Angels. Here, volunteers willprepare bottles, feed babies, prepare meals, play and read stories, or help with light laborprojects, such as cleaning, painting and gardening. And, of course, provide the "little angels"with an abundance of love and affection they so desperately yearn and deserve!

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Community Volunteer Work Projects:Teach English in secondary classrooms during the schoolyear, or at a summer English language camp to adults orhigh school students. You’re needed to work in afterschool sessions in thecommunity and classrooms during the school day. Assistteachers, review homework, prepare students for tests,and serve as a resource on history, lifestyles, sports, andpopular culture through songs, games, skits, and anoccasional field trip. You’ll also have time each day to collaborate with yourteammates and prepare for classes on the next day.We’ll provide you a Conversational English TeachingGuide. Your personal service helps improve the long-term educational future of Sicily's youth. VOLUNTEERINITALYServe on the island of Sicily in the quaintcommunity of Castelvetrano. Obtain a non-tourist perspective of daily life by workingwith students in the classroom andsupporting adults with English lessons. Youdon’t need previous teaching experience toengage the imagination of eager students.You’ll get to know teachers, students, andordinary folks through service and enjoylasting friendships built upon mutual respectand understanding. Help us build afoundation of peace and new partnershipwith civic leaders through service. Lodging and Meals:Comfortable, modern guesthouseDouble-occupancy roomsSingle occupancy availableEuropean & American breakfast Lunch & dinner at restaurantsFree-Time Options:Olive gardens & winery tours Museums, markets, art galleriesExplore the Peninsula of SalentoBrilliant, spacious beachesStandard service programs are one ortwo weeks. program dates and tax-deductibleservice program - - 800-487-1074T E A C H C O N V E R S A T I O N A L E N G L I S H“Simple conversations are highly valued. Every day brought something new. I believe wecooperatively made a difference in spreading goodwill from the USA. Small steps areinvaluable to peace.” ~ John Wheeler, Five-time Italy Volunteer Our new Sicily service program begins in English languageclassrooms.NEW SERVICE PROGRAM

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VOLUNTEERINMALAYSIAWith its rich heritage, lively festivals, anddelicious food, Malaysia attracts peopleworldwide.Global Volunteers warmly invites you toJohor Bahru, Malaysia. Educationalchallenges persist, with shortages of staffand resources hindering progress.Although Malaysia has made enormousstrides in reducing levels of extremepoverty, recent challenges such as theCOVID-19 pandemic and increasingurbanization, have caused urban povertyrates to increase. Additionally, individualswith disabilities face limited opportunities, Lodging and Meals:Charming three-star hotelDouble-occupancy roomsSingle occupancy availableAsian and Western-stylebreakfast at hotelPacked lunchesHotel and restaurant dinnersFree-Time Options:Jalan Tan Hiok NeeIstana Bukit SereneLegoland Malaysia ResortSentosa IslandSingaporeStandard service programs are one ortwo weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions.Community Volunteer Work Projects:For many native English speakers, teachingconversational English is a delightful and energizingexperience, and you don’t need to be a teacher to beeffective. In Johor Bahru. volunteers enhanceconversational English skills for children and teens,focusing on conversation, pronunciation, and idiomaticexpression to improve communication.Additionally, volunteers are needed to providepersonalized tutoring in math, science, and geography,helping students grasp concepts and improve overallacademic performance. Volunteers with backgrounds inspecial education or parents of children with specialneeds are needed to share their expertise with teachersand parents to foster an inclusive environment forindividuals with autism and Down - - 800-487-1074Volunteers provide essential support and expertise to empowercommunities amid Malaysia's progress.exacerbated by scarce training for special needs professionals. Whether you’re drawn to teaching English to children and teens, offering after-school love andattention to children without parents, or providing education support to teachers and parents ofindividuals with autism and Down syndrome, there’s a place for you to make a difference.Experience the warmth of Malaysian hospitality, immerse yourself in rich cultural diversity, andwitness the transformative power of service firsthand.NEW SERVICE PROGRAMD E L I V E R E S S E N T I A L S E R V I C E S

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VOLUNTEERINNEPALIn 2015, a 7.8-magnitude earthquakedevastated the wildly picturesqueKathmandu Valley, leaving tens ofthousands of people homeless. Sadly, muchof the infrastructure remains damaged,poverty is widespread, and outsideassistance is needed throughout the region.Global Volunteers assists families andchildren to regain basic living standards andsecure their futures. You can help repairliving and learning spaces, teachconversational English, and provide supportand training to women, and nurtureimpoverished children, many of whom areorphans.Lodging and Meals:Secure, modern hotelDouble-occupancy roomsSingle occupancy available American-style breakfast at hotelLunch and dinner at restaurantsFree-Time Options:Museums, parks, shopsCultural toursMount Everest air excursionReligious shrines and temples Urban gardensStandard service programs are oneor two weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions.Community Volunteer Work Projects:If you’re handy with tools, and enjoy physical activity,you’re needed for general maintenance work in schoolsand a children’s home. Teach conversational English toimpoverished youth, and marginalized women facinggender discrimination, violence, and homelessness.Native English speakers offer an extremely valuableservice to youth and adults. From small groups of fiveto classrooms of 50, you bring to students anunderstanding of the international language that canlift them out of poverty and secure their futures.Encourage, mentor, stimulate, and teach music, dance,and crafts on holidays when schools are not in session. - - 800-487-1074NOTE: The altitude in Kathmandu is lower thanDenver, CO.D E L I V E R E S S E N T I A L S E R V I C E S“We can be peaceful in our hearts, and grateful for each day as it comes. If we help oneanother, we can endure hardship together.” ~ Buddhi Man Shrestha, Global Volunteers community consultant English is a passport out of poverty for many Nepalese children.

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VOLUNTEERINPERUIn this land of Machu Picchu, shiningseacoasts, and ancient cities, over two millionchildren live in extreme poverty – on Lima’sstreets and in surrounding shanty towns.You’re needed to teach, mentor, and offerpsycho-social support to at-risk children at achildren’s home, assist health care staff atthe campus clinic, and teach English touniversity students. As a Global Volunteer,you can respond to the immediate needs ofimpoverished youth while immersingyourself in the complex and colorful cultureof Peru. Never doubt you can make adifference in just one or two weeks. Lodging and Meals:Secure, modern hotel Double-occupancy rooms Single occupancy availableAmerican-style breakfast at hotelLunch at the work siteDinner at local restaurantsFree-Time Options:Museums and craft marketsMusic and dance concerts Walks along the Pacific OceanPre/post service program add-on:Machu Picchu exursionStandard service programs are one ortwo weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions. Exceptional service-learning opportunities.Community Volunteer Work Projects:You’re needed to provide direct services to at-riskchildren at Sagrada Familia and to teach English at arural agricultural school. At the children’s home, you canstimulate and guide infants and toddlers, play gameswith them and further their socialization and basicEnglish capability. Teach young students conversationalEnglish, music and arts and crafts, and help with readingand homework assignments. No teaching experience isnecessary for any assignments. Health care professionals share their specialized skills inpublic health, counseling, and social work. Teach how toprevent infectious disease and demonstrate effectivehandwashing with soap and water. If you prefer physicallabor, give community facilities a face-lift with apaintbrush or basic tools. Trades people can assist onmany plumbing, electrical, or construction projects. - - 800-487-1074“Volunteering around the world has taught me our hopes and dreams as people are muchthe same. Each place now has a human face for me.” ~Brenda Clark, 16-time volunteer D E L I V E R E S S E N T I A L S E R V I C E SNurture children living on society’s margins through health,education, and mentoring projects.

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VOLUNTEERINPOLANDPoland’s rapid progress in recent decadesquickly earned its place in the EuropeanUnion. As world leaders in reconciliationand fierce self-determination, the Polishpeople have widely adopted programs tohelp students compete in a fast-pacedworld – while advancing the nation’senviable economic growth. Global Volunteers works in closepartnership with Siedlce governmentleaders to help meet the region’s ambitiouseducational goals. Lodging and Meals:Historic, rural guest house Double-occupancy rooms Single occupancy available American-style breakfastPolish lunch & dinner Free-Time Options:Local music and dance concertsKrakow and Warsaw tours Visit “Schindler’s List” film site Tour Wawel Castle or AuschwitzStandard service programs are one,two or three weeks. poland lists program dates andtax-deductible service programcontributions. Exceptional service-learning opportunities.Community Volunteer Work Projects:During the fall and spring, you’ll teach conversationalEnglish in rural Siedlce County elementary and highschool classrooms, where Polish youth share theirhopes, dreams, and challenges with you. This is anespecially good opportunity for children and adultfamily members to volunteer together! Summer volunteers teach at language camps at ahistoric manor house near Siedlce or in schoolclassrooms at Siedlce. Volunteers and summer campstudents practice English together on field trips andthrough American and Polish games and - - 800-487-1074Small group English lessons are sometimes requestedfor adult government workers to help them improvetheir real-life speaking skills in relaxed and informal T E A C H C O N V E R S A T I O N A L E N G L I S H“The Global Volunteers program is the perfect vehicle for promoting peace andunderstanding between countries through service. It was a privilege to work with thesewonderful Polish people and share their lives.” ~ Mary Ellen Flanagan, Poland VolunteerVolunteers provide English instruction in classrooms and atsummer language camps.classes. All native English speakers can do this! Some volunteers may be assigned to a projectworking with children and youth with physical and mental disabilities at a boarding school.

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VOLUNTEERINST. LUCIASt. Lucia’s natural beauty and exotic WestIndies lure is exceeded only by the warmthof its welcoming people. Amidst thistropical paradise, children of all ages faceserious challenges resulting from extremepoverty. We work in partnership withcommunity leaders in the village of Anse laRaye to help improve the arc of children’slives. You can teach/tutor preschool,primary school, and trade school students,repair school facilities, plant householdgardens, and teach important nutrition andhygiene lessons.Lodging and Meals:Comfortable, bayfront cottagesLarge double-occupancy roomsSingle rooms available American-style breakfast Lunch at work sites Dinner at lodging or arearestaurants overlooking the seaFree-Time Options:Water sports and beach walkingBoat cruises and island toursHistorical and cultural toursSpectacular sunsetsStandard service programs are oneor two weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions. Exceptional service-learning opportunities.Community Volunteer Work Projects:Global Volunteers serves Anse la Raye’s preschools,primary school, and trade school in an effort toimprove basic education and nutrition. You’re neededto help care for little ones at the preschool, tutorprimary school students in math, science, and reading,work with young adults who are learning a trade, andhelp teach sewing, music, and photography to youth tohelp them gain employment in their respective fields.Short-term volunteers dramatically change the formulafor every child’s success, at the most important time oftheir life. Some volunteers help plant, maintain, andharvest EarthBox container gardens. Occasionally,volunteers may be asked to teach students abouthealthy diets, physical fitness, disease prevention, andhandwashing with soap and water. Light labor serviceprojects are almost always available as well. No matteryour background or skills, your personal efforts willsignificantly improve Anse la Raye’s - - 800-487-1074D E L I V E R E S S E N T I A L S E R V I C E S“I now feel the school I worked in is MY school, and is part of me. The students sangabout flying, soaring, touching the sky, achieving. It was inspirational.” ~ Roger Yockey, St. Lucia volunteerHelping children reach their full potential is the focus of GlobalVolunteers' projects.

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VOLUNTEERINTANZANIAThe Serengeti Plain, the Great Ruaha Rift,Mount Kilimanjaro, and the Maasai and Hehetribes – all natural and cultural wonders ofTanzania. Sadly, the human realities offerstark contrast: high infant mortality, poorhealth care, and low literacy rates allstemming from extreme poverty. Inpartnership with the Evangelical LutheranChurch in Tanzania (ELCT), we are workingwith local communities to improve the healthand well-being of Tanzanian children. OurReaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) isa child-focused, parent-driven, family-centered, and community-led comprehensiveeffort. Lodging and Meals:New guest house - 24/7 electricity,hot showers, western toilets Double-occupancy rooms Single occupancy available Meals prepared by staffAmerican-style breakfastTanzanian lunch and dinnersFree-Time Options:Amazing weekend safariSpectacular stargazing Cooking classes, evening choirsStandard service programs are one,two, or three weeks or for an extendedtime. program dates and tax-deductibleservice program contributions.Exceptional service-learningopportunities.Community Volunteer Work Projects:Volunteers work with parents to eradicate hunger,improve health, and enhance cognition. GlobalVolunteers' goal is to eliminate stunting to ensure everychild can reach their potential. Individuals and groups are needed in a variety ofcapacities. Those with health, nutrition, and educationbackgrounds present parent workshops in their area ofexpertise, accompany our staff on home visits, teachpublic health education in classrooms, or providepatient care at the new health clinic. Professionals andpeople with lived experience in the areas of grief andsuicide prevention, alcohol addiction, domestic conflictand abuse, and depression and anxiety are especiallyneeded to teach mothers and fathers good mentalhealth care. Others help students improve theirconversational English skills or teach math, science, and - - 800-487-1074D E L I V E R E S S E N T I A L S E R V I C E S“RCP has added so much value to my life because before, there were so many things Ididn’t know. Now my son is healthier and my life is easier.” ~ Sharon Kaywanga, RCP mothergeography. You can also help renovate community buildings, construct chicken coops, assemblehand-washing stations, make household vented stoves, or work in the greenhouse.You can help end childhood stunting through service topregnant women and mothers.

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VOLUNTEERINVIETNAMDespite a shared history of war, theVietnamese and American peoplecollaborate in peace through meaningfulservice projects. This is an especiallyprofound experience for Vietnam militaryveterans who can extend a genuinehelping hand and promote justice bysharing your basic English language skillswith students of all ages. Volunteers fromall backgrounds can invest in Vietnam’sfuture leaders as they recover fromdecades of poverty – all while enjoying thisancient culture.Lodging and Meals:Comfortable modern hotel Double-occupancy rooms Single occupancy availableAmerican-style breakfast Lunch at work site Dinner at local restaurantsFree-Time Options:Shopping in Hanoi’s Old TownWalks in parks and along lakesTheatres and craft marketsStandard service programs are oneor two weeks. lists program dates and tax-deductible service programcontributions. Exceptional service-learning opportunities.Community Volunteer Work Projects:We’re gratified to help the Ministry of Education andTraining to meet their goal of enabling at least 1,000English teachers, translators, engineers, computerscientists, and business people every year to becomefluent in English. No previous teaching experience isrequired!Our Hanoi community partners - primary, secondary,and post-secondary schools as well as governmentand non-profit organizations - are committed tohelping Vietnamese youth and adults become fluent inEnglish. Tutor high and mid-ranking officials andbright young researchers on conversational Englishpronunciation and vocabulary. Volunteers withexpertise in law, business, economics, and financelecture in special university classes during some timesof the year. Teach basic English skills at Blind-Link, anon-profit career development and training programfor visually-impaired young adults. - - 800-487-1074T E A C H C O N V E R S A T I O N A L E N G L I S H“Vietnam was my eighth Global Volunteers program. In every service program,working with the local people, I learn more about the local culture, people,language, and customs than I could in any other way.” ~ Veteran Volunteer Tim CunniffAdult volunteers of all ages and experience are welcomed intoclassrooms and offices.

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Select01where you will serve.STEPHERE'SHOW TO REGISTER!02STEPChooseyour service program dates. 03STEPRegisteronline or by phone, fax, or scanned mail.Register online at You may submit your $350 deposit bycheck, ACH (Electronic Funds Transfer from your bank account), Visa, MasterCard,American Express, or Discover. Call 800-487-1074 for assistance. Once you are registered, we help you throughout the planning process by providingyou information on everything from travel tips to packing lists.How to Choose Your ProgramUse our program descriptions here oron our website to learn about localneeds, work projects, and how you canserve. Professional skills are notrequired; however, your professionalskills will be engaged whereappropriate. S e l e c t b y C o m m u n i t y P r o j e c tPrograms are offered year-round. Somecountries have weekly start dates;others have specific predetermineddates. We can arrange special dates forexclusive groups in most places. S e l e c t b y C o u n t r y a n d D a t eThe service project, facilities, andgeography vary by community. Everyprogram has a 1-week option, mosthave 2-week options, and a few offer 3-weeks. Compare service programs at S e l e c t b y P r o g r a m C o n d i t i o n sThe wide range of tax-deductible serviceprogram contributions starting at $1,095accommodates most every budget. S e l e c t b y C o s - - 800-487-1074

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How Will I Get to the Host Community?Global Volunteers' staff or team leader will meet youat the airport on your scheduled day of arrival andtransport you and your teammates to the hostcommunity.What if I Don’t Know the Local Language? It’s not necessary to speak the local language; manylocal people speak some English. Our staff andcommunity partners speak English and the locallanguage and will teach you basic greetings andhelpful phrases as a part of your orientation incommunities where English is not the primarylanguage. What Type of Insurance Do I Need? Emergency medical evacuation insurance is includedin your service program contribution for all non-USAprograms. We strongly recommend that youpurchase travel health and medical insurance as wellas trip cancellation insurance. What Costs are not Covered? Airfare or other travel to the host country; visas andpassports; airport departure taxes and excessbaggage charges; charges incurred for flightcancellation or other travel delays, accidents, orother causes beyond our control; medical expenses;free-time expenses (including your meals away fromthe host community, and entertainment and otheradmission fees); alcoholic beverages; desserts;laundry and phone/fax/e-mail charges; and all otheritems not specifically included.Frequently Asked - - 800-487-1074“I serve because it gives purpose to my life, Iknow I'm providing the right kind of service,and working beside the volunteers and localpeople expands my world.” ~ Fran Johansen, 13-time volunteer TanzaniaPeruCuba

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MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION:Your coordinator will address specific questions soyou can register for a program with confidence.MEET YOUR PREFERENCES:Your coordinator will learn your preferencesregarding projects, community to serve, length ofstay, single occupancy, travel season, andbudgetary needs.STAY INFORMED:Your coordinator will tell you about new servicelocales and program changes for places you’reconsidering or where you’ve already served.MEET YOUR NEEDS:Your coordinator can suggest service localesbased on your physical, mental health, or dietaryneeds.FUNDRAISE:Your coordinator can assist you in launching afundraising page on our website to help offsetyour service program contribution.LEAVE A LEGACY:Your coordinator will explain our SpecialConsultative Status with the UN and how you canbe a part of achieving the SustainableDevelopment Goals.SATISFY SERVICE HOURS:Your coordinator will explain how you or your(grand)child earn and verify community servicehours.MAXIMIZE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS:Your coordinator can explain how an employermatching gift/grant may fund 50% or more of yourservice program contribution.MAXIMIZE YOUR TAX BENEFITS:Your coordinator will explain how yourcontribution is tax-deductible or how to fund yourcontribution via a family foundation, retirementdistribution, etc.PUT TOGETHER YOUR OWN GROUP:Your coordinator can arrange for special intactgroups to serve as an extended family, school,college, workplace, faith-based organization, civicorganization, travel club, or alumni associationfrom dates on our calendar or dates of yourchoosing.© Global Volunteers 2021Your Personal Volunteer Coordinator Will Help You!375 East Little Canada RoadSt. Paul, MN 55117-1628 USA(800) 487-1074 | toll-free(651) 482-0915 | faxemail@globalvolunteers.orgGlobalVolunteersglobalvolunteersgloblvolunteers