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Global Volunteers - Partners in Development

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Supplementing School-based Curricula Page 8Discounts and Fundraising Page 10On-site Safety and Security Page 10Service Program Contribution Facts Page 12Family Volunteering Page 13Group Volunteering Page 14Invest in Long-term Community Programs Page 11A Legacy of Service Spanning Four DecadesPage 15Delivering Essential Services Page 5Teaching Conversational English Page 7Supporting Community Development Page 9

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Global Volunteers is a US-based, private, nonprofitinternational development organization inconsultative status with the United NationsEconomic and Social Counsel. We pioneered short-term international service programs (1 to 3 weeks)to enable regular people to help create, nurture, andsustain the well-being of children worldwide. Since1984, more than 37,000 volunteers have servedhundreds of communities in 36 countries on sixcontinents. Global Volunteers only serves where invited bycommunity leaders, and we work under theirdirection. Every community has its unique needs,and we engage you and other volunteers to helpmeet those needs. Local people ask us to assist withone or more of the following four areas: 1. Delivering Essential Services 2. Teaching Conversational English 3. Supporting Community Development4. Supplementing school-based curricula We offer individuals, families, and groups ofvolunteers our development expertise as a platformfor making the world a better, healthier place for all.For example, the ground-breaking outcomes of ourReaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP)continue to demonstrate the power of short-termvolunteers working together with parents and localleaders. RCP addresses stunting, a debilitatingcondition that affects 1 out of every 4 childrenworldwide. Stunting significantly impairs cognition,preventing children from reaching their potential.Successive teams of short-term volunteers helpparents deliver essential services to their children. Injust 18 months of the RCP program, childhoodstunting was significantly reduced in rural Tanzaniavillages by ensuring pregnant women, infants, andtoddlers had sufficient food, nutrition, andprotection from disease. 3Travel That Feeds The Soul! - - 800-487-1074Global VolunteersHelping Children Reach Their Full PotentialHow You Help:When you join a team of short-term volunteers, youhelp catalyze and expand local development effortsby serving:Where you have been invited Under the direction of community leaders On long-term community-based projectsHand-in-hand with local peopleOne, two, or three weeks Serve at the local level – where gardens are planted,children are taught, families are supported, andhealth care is provided! Teach conversational English- the international language of opportunity. Providechild development and nutrition education.Supplement school-based curricula by tutoring mathor science. Support community development byimproving community infrastructure - wield apaintbrush or pound a hammer. Everyone,regardless of age or skill level, makes a difference.Bishop Owdenburg Mdegella (above) invited GlobalVolunteers to his home village in the Iringa Regionof Tanzania over 30 years ago. He says: “We focus our work on education, because educationis what will ultimately free our people from poverty.”®

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4Benefits of Volunteering:Serve Solo, as a Family, or with Your GroupWe enable you to provide genuine service to localpeople, catalyzing real change in rural communitiesand urban centers. Learn About Cultures in the USA or AbroadOur community partners treat you like a member ofthe host community, so you can gain insights thataren’t possible through traditional travel. Experiencelocal customs, celebrations, traditions, language,music, and arts.Gain a Tax DeductionOur itinerary ensures that as a U.S. taxpayer, you candeduct the cost of your service program, including visaand airfare, as the law permits.Enjoy Safe Lodging, Food, and Transportation We always put your health and safety first on everyprogram - every day. All meals are included; doubleoccupancy rooms are in comfortableaccommodations. Singles are available for anadditional fee.Connect with Compassionate Volunteers You’ll enjoy the camaraderie of like-mindedteammates. As many volunteers do, you’ll possiblyform life-long friendships that could lead to servingtogether again!Rely on Experienced Team Leaders Your service program will be led by an experiencedmanager who has completed Global Volunteers’intensive team leader training. Most leaders are localstaff living in the host community, while others are USstaff or volunteers. Access the World of DevelopmentBecome part of a 40-year legacy of genuinecommunity development in almost every corner of theworld. Get on the ground floor of lasting change andexperience how significant you can be in just one ortwo weeks. Your world perspective will shift forever;your impact will last - - 800-487-1074Aubuen Bogart and Elizabeth Boshears provide healthscreening to a baby at the Ipalamwa General Clinic, Tanzania.Anna Blight helps lively students with English pronunciationand vocabulary.Karen Burnett-Kurie admires Xiomara's knitting talents whilecrafting together in Cuba.

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5Delivering Essential Services - - 800-487-1074ERADICATE HUNGER: School and householdgardens, child nutrition, micronutrientsupplements, and fuel-efficient vented stoves.IMPROVE HEALTH: Nutrition and hygieneeducation, dengue fever, malaria and HIV/AIDsprevention, and de-worming. ENHANCE COGNITION: General and girls’education, psychosocial support, potable water,and sanitary latrines. The Essential Services Triangle is Global Volunteers’ graphic illustration of the United Nations’ mandate toensure that every child receives the 12 interventions necessary to realize the fullness of their humanpotential. The 12 Essential Services are interdependent – therefore, our approach is comprehensive. Volunteersworking together help deliver these important services. Essential Services Triangle“Every person and community who participates in this endeavor reaps tremendousbenefits due to two basic truths: 'Give and you shall receive; teach and you shall learn.” - Bud Philbrook, Global Volunteers Co-founder and CEOEradicating HungerEradicating HungerFIRST,FIRST, you can teach pregnant women, parents, andstudents about nutrition, healthy eating habits, and thevalue of available foods. SECOND,SECOND,you can assist with school and household gardens which provide micro-nutrients to malnourishedchildren and supplement school feeding programs. Helpplant, maintain, and harvest container gardens andpromote garden-based classroom learning, includinghow to grow a healthy garden and market surplusproduce. School gardens are “living laboratories” for science, health, and math lessons. THIRD,THIRD,you can help establish household chicken coops, teach about raising poultry, and enable familiesand women's cooperatives to generate income fromexcess egg production. Whenever and wherever pregnant women and children are provided the 12 Essential Services, the positiveglobal consequences are enormous. A steady stream of committed and prepared short-term volunteers isthe “missing link” - an infinitely renewable resource - making a better world possible for all children. Youcan be a link in this chain!An EarthBox ready for harvesting

Page 6 - - 800-487-1074Enhancing CognitionEnhancing CognitionFIRST,FIRST, you can teach conversational English and tutor students in math, science, computer literacy, reading,geography, gardening, health, nutrition, and hygiene.Nurture, mentor, support, and provide recreationaloutlets to students.SECOND,SECOND,you can foster a positive and caring school environment with discipline and equal encouragementto young men and women to aspire to careers. THIRD,THIRD,you can help repair, paint, and maintainclassrooms, libraries, school bathrooms, preschools, and playgrounds. Improving HealthImproving HealthFIRST,FIRST, you can provide patient care at health clinics in Peru and Tanzania. This includes pre and postnatalexams, well-baby checks, diabetes and high bloodpressure tests, and deworming campaigns. You can alsomentor local health clinic professionals.SECOND,SECOND,you can conduct parent workshops on maternal and child health, including producing andpreparing nutritious food. Offer public health classesusing the text Where There is No Doctor. Educate youngadults about HIV/AIDS and STD prevention. Providechildcare while parents attend educational workshops.THIRD,THIRD,you can promote handwashing with soap and water, a most effective and inexpensive way toprevent infectious disease. Help build simple buteffective school and household hand-washing stations. Children who are protected from infectious disease and provided adequate food and nutrition during thefirst 1,000 days – pregnancy through their 2nd birthday – develop fully functioning brains and otherorgans. When these children are educated, they can realize their full potential and make significantcontributions to their community and society.“Children who are constrained by life’s unfairness incite our compassion. But, we knowthat caring without action isn’t enough. Children thrive when they are mentored,encouraged, listened to, played with, and shown they are important. Every volunteercontributes to this support so that over time, the children we serve know they matter –and more – that they can change the world.” - Michele Gran, Global Volunteers Co-founder and Vice PresidentA volunteer teaches teeth brushingVolunteer Jeremy Harper teaches English at SagradaFamilia in Peru.

Page 7 - - 800-487-1074Provide A Passport Out of ProvertyEnglish is the international language of technology,commerce, and opportunity. English opens doors topromising futures. Students listen to and practice thelanguage with you – training their tongues and ears forEnglish – and enhance their educational and jobopportunities. Teach four hours each day, Mondaythrough Friday, and prepare another four hours daily forupcoming classes. We provide you a Conversational EnglishTeaching Guide and classroom resources. You supply yourknowledge of the language, enthusiasm, and creativity!“Through songs, dances, and games - as well as lively conversations in English - werenewed the teachers’ enthusiasm for teaching English. I think I can guarantee thatvolunteering in Kunming will be an experience not to be forgotten.” ~ Esther Schak, Five-time China volunteerTeaching Conversational English Become part of the process that inspires children to learn English. Even though you may teach for onlyone, two, or three weeks, a continuous flow of volunteers ensures continuity and an ongoing opportunityfor students to learn. You may not be the volunteer who enables a student to begin speaking in completesentences, but if you can encourage that student to continue to study English, it may be the next volunteerwho leads the student to that milestone. Every volunteer is an important link in a long chain of volunteers,and you will make a significant difference in a relatively short time.“I’m certain that in teaching English, we left a positive impression of who Americans areand what America represents. And, we piqued students’ interest in America, the country -its peoples and its problems.”~ Keith Kresge, 28-time Alumni Volunteer English teachers in most hostcommunities are proficientgrammarians, but they need helpwith pronunciation, idioms, and“casual” use of the language. Yourrole in teaching conversationalEnglish is to provide your students(and their teachers) the opportunityto hear English spoken by a nativespeaker in an environment wherethe students aren’t evaluated. Thistruly is the gift that keeps on giving -for the rest of students’ lives!Volunteer Linn Joannis teaches English – theinternational language of commerce and opportunityin Greece.Volunteer Jim Brueggmann tutors Alana in English in St. Lucia.

Page 8 - - 800-487-1074Supplementing School-based CurriculaFirst, you can encourage young students one-on-one by tutoring science, math, or geography. Sometimesstudents need just a little bit of additional attention to catch up to their peers or stretch beyond theclassroom pace. Volunteers Becky Fox and Sandy Hickey grout new tile in the dining room at FUNDAC's early childhooddevelopment center in Ecuador. Or mentor children in social skills and basic hygiene by teaching handwashing with soap and water, teeth brushing, and more.Third, you can offer instructionin basic marketing and businessprinciples to youngentrepreneurs, coach youngadults in mock job interviews,teach various skills to blindstudents, or present in yourarea of expertise pursuant tospecific requests such ashealthy living, preventing STDs,teen pregnancy, domesticabuse, and more.Volunteer Peg Cartier practices phrases in English with visually-impaired massagetherapists at Blind-Link, Vietnam."You don’t need any special training to do this…just a willingness to jump in and helpout. The impact over years is most rewarding, and one of the reasons I keep returning.Being a guy in the midst of many lady teachers is a plus — you’ll be especially impactful.As you share “high fives” and get to know YOUR students, you’re sure that you connect ina special and important way.”~ Dennis Killeen,16-time Alumni VolunteerMatthew Turner helps kids with art projects at Todd County Middle School on the Rosebud Reservation in SD.

Page 9 - - 800-487-1074Supporting Community DevelopmentFirst, you can offer your experience in carpentry,painting, masonry, or plumbing. Help paint aclassroom, enlarge a community center toprovide meeting space for parents, build achildren’s play area, remodel a school’sreception room, renovate a health clinic, tile achildcare center floor, or construct a patio coverso children are protected from sun and rain. Youcan also help prepare for a pow-wow by settingup teepees, create a mural for a children’s home,or chop wood so seniors have heating fuelduring cold winter months. Volunteers Susan Dietz and Pam Rudd work alongside localwoman sewing baby clothes, and aprons which are sold tobenefit the women’s cooperative interests in Cuba.Second, you can work with local women to develop village cooperatives, help establish reliable accountingsystems, and support administrative efforts by drafting bylaws and funding proposals. You can also assistmothers and young women in the art of making clothes, sewing, knitting, tie-dying, and other art and craftskills. And caring for toddlers while their moms are at work is both fun and helpful.Third, you can establish schoolgardens using EarthBoxes, helpteachers and students raisebountiful crops of fruits andvegetables to ensure healthyschool meals, and plantEarthBoxes at the House ofAngels in Greece or at SagradaFamilia in Peru. You can alsoserve lunches to low-incomeseniors on the BlackfeetReservation or work in a foodbank in several communities.An EarthBox takes up very little space and yields more than the same amount of landin an in-ground garden."We look forward to Global Volunteers coming each year to the Reservation. They alwaysbring energy and inspiration to our leaders, a vision of caring to our adults, and a goodwork ethic to our children. We work hand-in-hand to build a better future."~ Bob Tailfeathers, Blackfeet Community College“Planting Earthboxes at the Kid’s Step Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) was alearning experience for the students, and they will have the opportunity to observe thegrowth and production of the plants that they took part in starting.” ~ Linda Roberts, 6-time Alumni Volunteer

Page 10 - - 800-487-1074Discounts and FundraisingOur Mantra, “Safety Trumps Everything,” means we doour utmost to protect your security by providing:Program Discounts* Team Starter discount of $233 (one per family) is appliedto those who register six months in advance for internationalprograms. Volunteers who register early help us confirmadditional team members.* Alumni Volunteers (those who have served previously)receive a $200 discount on international programs and $50on USA programs. You may combine this discount with thecompanion discount.* Any Companion who joins you as a first-time volunteer onan international program receives a $200 discount. This canbe applied to their program contribution or split betweenyou. USA programs are discounted $50 for first-timevolunteer companions. Alumni may combine the companiondiscount with their Alumni discount.* Current Full-time Students with a valid student ID andcurrent fee statement receive a $200 discount oninternational programs and $50 on USA programs. This canonly be combined with the Team Starter discount.* Referrals are each worth $100 toward your next service program when those individuals volunteer. No limit howmany you may refer. Credits have no cash value, and may notbe combined with the Companion discount.Fundraise Your ProgramCostsMany volunteers collect donationstoward their service programcontribution. It is much easier than youmay think. We’ll help you design yourpersonalized Global Volunteers web pageand offer you a guide to encourage familyand friends to support your volunteerwork. We’re eager to help you! On-site Safety and SecurityLodging in hotels and guest houses All meals at restaurants or prepared by staff or vetted cooksPurified water readily provided at meals and work sites Airport and host community transportation in approvedvehicles Team leaders trained in CPR and First Aid 24-hour emergency phone access to team leader and homeoffice Emergency medical evacuation insuranceOn-site orientation and team familiarization with hostcommunityDaily review of scheduled team work assignmentsFurthermore, our on-site orientation and team-buildingexercises quickly familiarize you to the community and yourteammates. Engage friends, family, and supporters in yourservice work by fundraising.Accommodations are hospitable and secure.

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11Whether you join us alone or as part of a group,our time-tested service-learning model ensuresmutually beneficial, catalytic experiences for thevolunteer and local people alike. Spread the Word at HomeNearly 50 percent of our volunteers learn about usthrough referrals from friends, relatives,colleagues, and organizational partners. You areour best source of future volunteers to servechildren and families. Engage your social networkthrough individual conversations, presentations,and on-line promotions, and invite others to servewith you. Earn referral credits for your next serviceprogram. See page 10 for details and contact us to"get the ball rolling." There's no limit to how muchyou can earn, and we’re with you all the way! Call:800-487-1074 or Others Make a DifferenceWhether you paint a classroom, nurture a child,plant a vegetable garden, support a pregnantwomen, or tutor a student, you’re a vital link inhelping others continue where you leave off!Consider sponsoring another volunteer - a friendor family member - and help them fundraise theirservice program contribution and travel costsusing our - - 800-487-1074Invest in Long-term Community ProgramsContinue Direct SupportOur resourceful community partners and projectleaders maintain long-term program effectivenessyear after year. They enable you to continue thebenefits of your service when you return home bysupporting children and families through financialand material donations. Your monthly donation,one-time gift, bequest, stock donation, and livingmemorials make an enormous difference. Everydonation helps. Shop our gift catalog: or callus at 800-487-1074.Donate! Sponsor! SupportWorldwide Programs!You can help advance Global Volunteers’work in all these areas as a donor for directcommunity projects, or as a child orclassroom sponsor. Extend the value ofshort-term volunteers in our hostcommunities by contributing to GlobalVolunteers’ projects on-line: orcall: 800-487-1074. Please let us know howyou’d like to support a host community orspecific project – a lifeline for a family orchild.Volunteer Scott Johnson teaching in Beja, Portugal. Volunteer Cindy Ryan teaches conversational English inVietnam.

Page 12 - - 800-487-1074Our community partners are grateful for volunteers’supportive services, which they would otherwise beunable to afford. Therefore, as a Global Volunteerteam member, your tax-deductible donation coversyour in-country costs, including:• Meals and Accommodations: All meals –starting with dinner on arrival through breakfast onthe final program day – are included. Meals are atlocal restaurants or prepared by our staff cooks.Your safe, culturally-appropriate housing is acomfortable hotel, guest house, casas particulares inCuba, or a community center in the US. Lodging isdouble-occupancy except in the US, and singlerooms are generally available for an additional fee.• Ground Transportation: All transportationbetween the scheduled arrival airport, housing, andthe work project. • Team Leader and Consultants: All teams are ledby Global Volunteers staff. Most are local nationals;some are US employees or volunteer team leaders.• Program Coordination: Emergency medicalevacuation insurance, 24-hour emergencycommunications, orientation materials, volunteerrecruitment and preparation, and costs associatedwith project start-up, site visits, and hostcommunications. • Administration: Office overhead and standardadministrative costs.In addition, Global Volunteers raises funds for localproject materials, such as hand-washing stations,chicken coops, painting supplies, classroomresources, and school and household gardens, aswell as Tanzania RCP caregiver salaries and healthclinic operating costs. We also fundraise for largerprojects, such as building rehabilitation, medicalsupplies, water systems, and communicationstechnology.Program Costs85%Administrative Costs15%Your tax-deductible service programcontribution reflects the actual costs ofestablishing and maintaining the program in ourhost communities. Your contribution also enables us to raise fundsfor materials and important resources requiredto complete long-term community work projects. 1.2.Ninety percent of our total income is derived fromvolunteers' tax-deductible contributions.The Global Volunteers Difference:Your service program contribution enables multipleforms of support to our host communities. Service Program Contribution Facts Refer others to serve with you and save on serviceprogram contributions - see page 10 for more details.Your Program ContributionEnhances Long-Term Development“Once you’ve been to another country andreally experienced it, you’ll inevitablycontinue to care and want to help. Thisfeeling cannot be disregarded.”~ Kathy Breedlove, alumni volunteerTeam members dine together for most meals.

Page 13 - - 800-487-1074Family volunteering can be life-changing foreveryone! More and more, families of all sizes,traditions and compositions are discovering thatserving and learning together is atransformational opportunity. It’s a bondingexperience unlike any other. After just one, two,or three weeks, you’ll return home with newperspectives of the world, life, and each other youcan’t acquire any other way. What’s more, you’llknow you’ve contributed to long-lasting, positivechange - impacting other children’s and families’lives forever. “My children came to feel as though theybecame ‘kin’ in the community... everyfamily volunteer feels the same. GlobalVolunteers has created a unique, loyal,and lasting legacy in their projects, andwe all benefit.” ~ Amy Kleissler, three-time Tanzaniavolunteer, with her sons Jack, Matt,Dan, and Ryan“We want our children to learn about givingback outside our community, andexperience the struggles of othersinternationally - as well as learn aboutother cultures around the world. It’s mostrewarding to teach your children byactually volunteering with them. Ourbiggest inspiration is seeing the childrenhave an impact on other people and realizethat no matter where you are in the world,you can always help.”- Barbara Scafidi volunteered with herfamily in Peru, Romania, Poland, CookIslands, and EcuadorChildren volunteers often are the most effective teachers!Peggy, Ellie, and Bud Cope teach the alphabet song to Greek students.Family VolunteeringMany service programs can engagemultigenerational volunteers, particularly during themonths of March, June, July, August, and December.Children as young as six work side-by-side with theirparents and local people in select countries. You’ll enjoy safe accommodations, delicious food, anexperienced team leader, and a host community thatcares about you and your welfare. Minor volunteersmust serve with a parent or adult guardian, who isresponsible for the safety and welfare of the child.

Page 14 - - 800-487-1074Group VolunteeringGlobal Volunteers engages groups in meaningfulservice-learning that’s optimally structured to helpdeveloping communities thrive. As aninternationally-respected NGO, our professionalpractices comply with the highest standards ofinternational service program delivery. While ourgoal is to optimize your contribution to childrenand families, you’ll experience cultural learning andteam-building activities while fully engaged withyour host community's people and traditions. Customized Options. We work with you on program options to meetyour group's service-learning and team buildinggoals. We'll carefully assess each group member'sskills and interests, describe community workassignments, and supply you with materialsincluding:• Volunteer Manuals • Conversational English Teaching Guides • Group T-shirts • Cultural Training With our proprietary on-site orientation andteambuilding, you can expect to hit the groundrunning!Academic groups: Request our service-learning kitat 800-487-1074 or“We researched about a dozen NGOs andchose Global Volunteers because of theirexcellent materials and the fact thatprojects are in partnership with localpeople.”~ Judi Lees, three-time volunteerComfort & Safety. Your group is securely lodged together, served threehealthy meals daily with bottled water, andtransported safely to work assignments. We takeadditional precautions to help protect your healthand safety including: • Emergency Medical Evacuation Insurance • On-site staff certified in CPR • First-aid kitContribution. We work with groups of all sizes and offer flexibleschedules, group discounts, and online fundraising. We’ll even provide special incentives for your groupcoordinator.Volunteering together can greatly enhance a student, corporate, or faith-based group’s commitment to service, to each other,to their goals and objectives, and to the world.

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25%15Percentage of volunteerswho serve on more thanone program. 39,000+ The number of volunteers who have served in 36 countries on 6 continents since 1984.Hours of volunteer serviceimproving children's andfamilies' lives. 2,960,000Number of students whoimproved their Englishskills with GlobalVolunteers. 543, - - 800-487-1074A LEGACY OF SERVICE SPANNING FOUR DECADES“ Global Volunteers provides people with an opportunity to make adifference in the lives of children around the globe.”~ Oprah Winfrey

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375 East Little Canada RoadSt. Paul, MN 55117-1628 USA(800) 487-1074 | toll-free(651) 482-0915 | faxemail@globalvolunteers.orgGLOBAL VOLUNTEERS© Global Volunteers 2023GlobalVolunteersglobalvolunteersgloblvolunteers