Your guide to fundraising for your upcomingGlobal Volunteers Adventure in Service!
You’ve got this!Don't let finances stand in the way of your serviceadventure! Hundreds of volunteers just like youhave successfully fundraised their serviceprogram contribution and expenses. You can too! We are thrilled to invite you to volunteer with Global Volunteers onyour upcoming service program. You are needed. The work you willdo is a unique, life-enriching experience and you will bring vitalassistance, meaningful support, and essential services to the localpeople in one of our partner communities. We are here to help youfundraise, so you can get to the next step – volunteering! This toolkit is a guide for you, offering advice and tips to fundraisefor your service program. You will also learn about the experiencesof volunteers who have raised thousands of dollars to make theirservice possible.2Karen Isaac teaching conversational English in St. Lucia.
Tips on how to successfully plan your fundraising strategy. Ideas on the different ways you can raise money. Real-life accounts from other volunteers about their successfulfundraising experiences Sample letters and templates to help you share your story andraise money Answers to your FAQs This Fundraising Toolkit offers you: Any questions? Contact Kristin Whitbeck in the Development Office atkwhitbeck@globalvolunteers.orgGlobal Volunteers Supports You!3 "Honestly, I felt unsure about fundraising for my first programin 2017. I overcame that feeling, and invited people to learnmore about what I would be doing and contribute if they feltdrawn to the cause. Through the generosity of family andfriends, I met my goal to finance the trip. I did the same formy 2018 service program, and my friends came throughagain! I felt awkward about fundraising again in 2019. Wouldit appear self-serving? I held off, having decided to fully fundthat program myself, but in the months leading up to thatprogram, I was shocked that so many family and friendsasked when they could donate to my trip. Through me, mydonors are fulfilling their need to serve a purpose greaterthan themselves. Here’s to fundraising!" - Karen Isaac, four-time St. Lucia volunteerRead Karen Isaac's story here
Plan Your 3 Ws 4Family members – parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Your friends – some friends may not be able to volunteer butthey can help you help others. Teachers/mentors/coaches – there are many people who havehelped you in the past who would love to help you in this effort. Your high school or college/university– they might offer fundingfor service-learning. Private healthcare practitioners Area faith-based organizations, places of worship, or spiritualcommunities. Service organizations – Rotary and Lions Clubs offer scholarshipsand grants. Reach out to the local club and offer to speak at oneof their weekly meetings before and after you serve. Independent restaurants and businesses in your neighborhood. Google “volunteer grants and scholarships.” It is vitally important to always remember you are not asking formoney for yourself. You are only asking for donations so you canhelp others in need. This is not about you; this is about children andfamilies who need your help! Your list should include everyone you know, people who share yourpassions, your purpose, and your joy. You might be surprised by whogives, so don’t hesitate to ask! should I reach out to? WHO
NepalItaly5Thousands of companies offer matching giftswhen their employees donate to a nonprofit likeGlobal Volunteers. Individuals who donate toyour fundraiser through Global Volunteerscould have their gift doubled by their employer!Click here to search our matching gifts databaseand find out how your gifts can be multiplied. Did you know?fundraising strategies should Iemploy? WHATOutlined in this Toolkit are six common fundraising strategies. Youcan use these suggestions and create a plan of your own. As youconsider which strategies to utilize, think about who you are, whatyou love, and the volunteer work you will be doing during yourservice program. Consider how you can express your excitement andpurpose so people can feel connected to the work you will be doingon your service program. Also think about practical execution,including who might give; venue access, season, time frame, andfundraising costs if you decide to do an event; and who you mightask for assistance if you need help from others to make thingshappen.
650% by 60 days 75% by 45 days 100% by 30 days You should get started as soon as you have registered and paid your$350 deposit. You have until 30 days prior to your service programstart date to fundraise before your full balance is due. Keep this inmind as you decide on the types and timing of reaching out,activities, and events. The sooner you get started, the greater themomentum and the better your opportunity of reaching yourgoal. To maintain your place on the service program, you must raiseand submit the following percentages by the number of days beforethe start date. should I fundraise?WHEN
Tell your story about why you want to serve Describe the community you will serve and why they needassistance Request financial support or invite them to attend an event Share how they can donateContinue sharing on social media Send follow-up emails Advertise for your upcoming event Connect regularly with your potential donors The first time you communicate with your donors will be toannounce your upcoming service program and ask for their support.This is referred to as making an appeal. In your initial communication: Follow-up communication options:Always say THANK YOU. This is the most important step! Expressyour gratitude many times - when you pitch your fundraiser, whensomeone donates, and when you return from your program andupdate everyone on your incredible experience. How to Communicatewith Your Donors"I have the greatest friends in theworld. They help to make it possiblefor me to participate in thesevolunteer programs." - Linda Rudin, two-time Montanavolunteer 7Linda Rudin serving inMontana, USA.
Lay out your clear objectives and express your enthusiasm andpassion for the service you will be doing. Gather your facts about Global Volunteers and the program youwill be participating on via the Global Volunteers website. Be professional, confident, and creative. Say thank you! Add photos, videos, and all the wonderful personal elements thatmake people excited to support the important work you will bedoing! Before you communicate with donors, take time to organize yourthoughts. This is practical advice if you are writing a letter, calling afamily member, planning an event, or crafting a social media post! Telling Your StorySuccessful appeals tell a personal story and explain how yourvolunteer work will make an impact on others. Share details aboutthe service you will be doing and how it will create change in thecommunity where you will serve. People donate because they believein you, and they believe in the work being done. "I was at first surprised by how manydonations I received. It’s shown mehow many people want to support mein my service adventures." - Don Diehl, Cuba VolunteerRead Don Diehl’s story hereDon Diehl makingfriendships in Cuba.8
Remember – you are not asking for yourself. You are asking fordonations so you can help others in need. A direct appeal can bemade via email, letter, phone call, or in-person – you are reaching outto a donor one-on-one to share your story. This is a great approachfor family and friends. Below is a letter template for you to personalize and share with yoursupporters. Adapt it to your own voice and include all the details thatmake you eager to become a Global Volunteer and serve others. Youcan use this letter to structure your email campaigns, draft languagefor your crowdsourcing website, send letters via postal mail, andeven extract a few key elements for a series of social media posts.Consider who the recipients will be and adjust the tone and detailsaccordingly. The direct ask can be done simultaneously with all otherfundraising activities. Fundraising Strategies The Direct AskNew Mexico, USA Portugal9Download the letter template here.
10You can express the value of your upcoming service clearly;tailored to the person with whom you are communicating. For many family members and close friends, you may only needto send them a letter, but we encourage you to speak with themin person or on the phone as well. This personal approach helps the donor feel connected to youand the work you will be doing on your service program. ProsWhether by email or phone, you will have the space and time totalk in-depth about the work you will be doing and thecommunity you will serve. At first, it may feel awkward asking people so directly fordonations. But remember, you are not asking for money foryourself; their donation is helping you get needed services andsupport to families in the community where you will serve. Things to considerMark Giorgini teaching English at Foreign Trade University in Vietnam.
Fact: People who use online fundraising tools raise 40% morethan people who don’t! Crowdfunding is a popular fundraisingmethod that involves setting up a donation webpage and broadlysharing that link with your social community and can be donesimultaneously with all other fundraising activities. There is usually no cost to set up a donation page, but somecompanies may retain a portion of your donations. There are many crowdfunding platforms to choose from:Flipcause, GoFundMe, FundMyTravel, Fundly, and GoGetFundingare some popular examples. It’s easy to share your information, update your donors, andtrack your progress. You can gain strong momentum! Friends can share your donation page outside your immediatecircle, expanding your pool of potential donors. ProsClear written communication iskey – you are promoting thework you will be doing, yourgoals, and the impact of yourservice. This is a long-term project –successful crowdfundingcampaigns run between 2-8weeks, but they need regularattention as you promote yourpage. What is your community reach?Are you able to connect withyour friends, clubs, family, andsocial groups via email or socialmedia? Things to considerCrowdfunding7Sarah Martin face painting with children in Poland.11
We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to use GlobalVolunteers’ fundraising platform, Flipcause. Flipcause is user-friendly and customizable with text, photos, and videos. You cancreate your page and share the link online via email and socialmedia. Donors who give through Flipcause will receive an automaticthank-you letter from Global Volunteers, and the donation will beinstantly counted toward your fundraising goal. Read more hereabout our Terms and Conditions for fundraising.Global Volunteers will provide one-on-one support while you setup your Flipcause page and provide you photos and videos ofyour service program community. Unlike other crowdsourcing platforms, donations made viaFlipcause are 50% tax-deductible for the donor. (The IRS does notallow a tax deduction for funds donated for a specific person’sfood, lodging, transportation, etc. Approximately 50% of yourservice program contribution is for these purposes. Theremaining 50% is tax deductible because it covers GlobalVolunteers operating expenses.) Flipcause may only be used to fundraise for your serviceprogram contribution. It can be combined with another platformor fundraising tool to cover your travel expenses. Things to considerFlipcause12Sophia andSaira Hairstonconducting ahome visit inTanzania.
Hey Friends! This summer, I have the privilege andopportunity to serve as a volunteer on the BlackfeetIndian Reservation in Montana with Global Volunteers,one of the most respected and effective volunteerorganizations. I will be working at a summer camp forkids and delivering meals to the elderly on theReservation. For me, this is an incredible opportunityto do something that really matters, and to make a bigdifference in a small community. Please considerdonating to my fundraising page to help me helpothers and cover the cost to serve this summer. Iappreciate your help! Elizabeth M.@elizabethmSample Social Media PostAshley Lauderman teaching at St. Joseph's Primary School, Cook Islands.13
You can raise money by offering services. Every season comes withunique activities and festivities and the work that goes with them!Consider winter gift-wrapping and snow-shoveling, raking leaves inthe fall, gardening in the spring and summer. You can advertise yourwork to friends and family as both a service to them and afundraiser for you. There are so many small ways to make adifference and earn some dollars: dog walking, holding a car wash,running errands, house/pet sitting, babysitting, baking cookies, andmore! Typically, these projects require minimal financial investment,but you may need to consider transportation for yourself andany tools for work. You can work as much or as little as your schedule allows. Hours are usually flexible. ProsWhen promoting your services, only work with people you knowand trust. Agree on your terms of payment upfront! You want to balancethe time and labor you invest vs the funds you will collect. Think about the competition in your area for the same services. Things to ConsiderTanzania PeruSeasonal Services14
What are your creative strengths and interests? Consider hosting aninformal class with a flat fee to register. This could be a yoga/fitnessclass, a music jam, a crafting circle, or a hike! The possibilities areendless. You could host a one-time class or make it a recurringevent. Depending on the event, your costs could be minimal. This is an excellent way to engage with people face-to-face totalk about your upcoming service program. Be creative! This helps you to thoughtfully and enthusiasticallyconnect with people around you. ProsIf a friend is helping with your event, clarify if they are donatingtheir time or if they expect compensation. Things like class registration require organization and planning,save time for both! Think about how public you want to make your invite: is this justfor friends and family, or a wider circle? Whatever event you do, always consider your safety and anysafety implications. Things to Consider Consider even more ideas for fundraising events!Trivia event Sports tournament (kickball,softball, basketball) Scavenger hunt Virtual gaming tournament Virtual race (5k or walk-a-thon) Garage sale Snail mail or telephonecampaign Donation jar or charity nightat a local restaurant Recycling drive 15Class or Event
"Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d be able toraise that much money. I didn’t think I was capable oftouching the hearts of so many people. I am sooverwhelmed by the love and support that my church andcommunity have shown me. They are thrilled and eager forme to go and share my adventures with them." - Maddy Aungst, Tanzania volunteer Read Maddy Aungst's story hereMaddy Augst distributed toothbrushes and toothpaste tokindergarteners in Tanzania and taught them how to brush their teeth.16
Your service program contribution covers all costs while in-country:three meals a day and bottled water beginning with the first eveningmeal and continuing through breakfast on the day of departure; safeand comfortable lodging, in-country ground transportation to andfrom the airport and daily work assignments, cultural activities, teammanagement by a Global Volunteers experienced Team Leader,medical evacuation insurance, and expenses associated witharranging your service program. Airfare, visas, desserts, alcoholicbeverages, and free-time activities are not included. Upon registering for a Global Volunteers’ service program, you willsecure your spot on a team by submitting a $350 nonrefundabledeposit. Once your $350 deposit is received and you have submittedyour service program registration, then you are ready to startfundraising! 50% of your remaining service program balance is dueno later than 60 days before your service program start date, and theentire balance is due 30 days prior to the service program start date. Frequently AskedQuestions Can I Start Fundraising Before I Make aDeposit? What Does My Money Go Towards? Nepal17How Long Do I Need to Fundraise? Give yourself plenty of time. Werecommend starting at least 5-6months in advance, if possible, keepingin mind your final payment is duebetween 60 and 30 days before yourprogram start date . This allows you toplan and implement your strategy andreadjust if needed.
How Do I Submit My Donations? When using Global Volunteers Flipcause platform, it’s easy! Alldonations made to your Flipcause fundraising page are automaticallydeposited into your Global Volunteers account and subtracted fromyour balance due. For any other funds raised, send us a check for theamount donated. You can choose to send one or more checks orhave donors write individual checks payable to Global Volunteers. Ifyou are collecting checks from your donors via a letter you mailed, itis always helpful to include a preaddressed envelope with you mailingso your donors can easily send their check to you. When your donorssend checks made out to Global Volunteers, 50% of the donation istax deductible, and we will send them a receipt they can use at taxtime. Have them include your name and service program in thememo field to ensure your donations are credited to your account. You can also contact the Finance department to pay via credit card orACH – call 651-407-6100 or email Mail the checks to: Global Volunteers, 375 East Little Canada Road St. Paul, MN 55117 Volunteer Ella Smith with children in Greece. 18
50% by 60 days 75% by 45 days 100% by 30 days Our best advice is to keep your fundraising deadline clear to yourdonors and keep your donations organized. This will go a long way tohelping you reach your goal. As stated in Global Volunteers Termsand Conditions, once you are 60 days out from your service programstart date, your remaining balance is due according to the followingpercentages: In the event you are not able to reach your fundraising goal and needto postpone your service program, any monies received via theFlipcause platform or submitted by you or your donors, including the$350 deposit, can be applied to a future service program scheduledwithin 36 months of your original service program start date. What If I Don’t Raise the Full Amount? What Happens If I Need to Cancel or MoveMy Service Program?You worked hard raising those donations; we will keep them safe foryou! If you are changing your service program date, we adjust yourpayment window accordingly. There is a $100 transfer fee when youchange your service program date and a $200 transfer fee if youchange the country where you will serve. If you must cancel yourservice program, we will hold your donations for you in your accountfor up to three years, allowing you time to register for a new serviceprogram, or you can donate the collected funds to Global Volunteers.US tax law prohibits 501(c)(3) nonprofits to refund any portion of thedonated amount to the fundraiser. Pete Mallesonreading with astudent fromApii Takitumu,Cook Islands.19
You’ve got this! Thank you for being a champion of GlobalVolunteers and the communities we serve. Wecouldn’t do this essential work without you! (800) 487-1074 | toll-freeglobalvolunteers.orgemail@globalvolunteers.orgGLOBAL VOLUNTEERS