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Cook Islands Team 168

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COOK ISLANDS TEAM 168 Global Volunteers February 3 22 2019 WWW GLOBALVOLUNTEERS ORG

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C o o k I s l a n d s T e a m 1 6 8 2

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T e a m G o a l s To serve the local community T e a m To better understand the Cook Island s culture To make new friends and better relationships C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Cooperation Civility Communication Listening Sharing Flexibility Humour Collaboration Trust Punctuality Patience Respect 3

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C o o k I s l a n d s The Cook Islands a place where barefoot children arrive at school with toothy smiles dominating their faces a place where shoes are unimportant but happiness is Cook Islands leaders profess that to ensure children s continued happiness and development they must supply significant outside assistance to strengthen their educational foundation Over years of close partnership with our island friends Global Volunteers has been helping provide essential services in varied areas Volunteer help is needed in these ways Make learning fun through reading games skits music there s no limit Provide one on one attention to children with special education needs Inspire young adults to develop life skills by offering personal lessons or case studies Serve as a classroom resource by simply sharing your personal knowledge Encourage and support islanders of all ages living with disabilities Invest in island conservation projects As volunteers Team 168 got to know and learn from the Cook Islands people leaving behind the gifts of hope service and friendship impressions that will last far longer than footprints 4 in the sand

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We may not be able to do great things but we can do small things with great love Mother Teresa

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M o n d a y F e b r u a r y 4 2 0 1 9 Warm weather lush greenery and James welcoming smile awaited us when we arrived in Rarotonga We proceeded to the KiiKii Inn which has impressive ocean views and comfortable rooms T u e s d a y F e b r u a r y 5 2 0 1 9 Barb and John were at the St Joseph Catholic School Shelley the principal took Barb to the second grade with teacher Nonnie Barb read a story to the class to settle them down She coached students individually at their desks all day W e d n e s d a y Team Journal Quotes F e b r u a r y 6 2 0 1 9 Betty and Gail each worked with the two remedial students in the morning Gail worked on continuing to identify vocabulary lost over the recent six week school break and had the boys decorate her project box with their names and drawings of their choice T h u r s d a y F e b r u a r y 7 2 0 1 9 Betty and Gail had the wonderful opportunity to meet with Nicky Rattle the Speaker of the House for the Cook Islands Parliament They spent over an hour together speaking of local national and international politics and sharing how each of them came to be where they are 6

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F r i d a y F e b r u a r y 8 2 0 1 9 John and Barb shared a special day at St Joseph s It was their first school mass of the school year The 6th graders were in charge and did an excellent job with the readings bringing up symbols of important aspects of their school and church life and the gifts for communion The singing was spirited All the 6th graders were honored by being prefects for different grade levels They each received a special badge to wear all year Following mass they were presented with many flowered ei s and then a huge feast was spread out in the teacher s lounge They even had baked Alaska John enjoyed discussing world geography with 6th graders using an inflatable globe Barb s highlight was sitting on a bench outside during free time listening to a 2nd grader read a book to her needing almost no help T u e s d a y F e b r u a r y 1 2 2 0 1 9 Betty made great progress with her remedial students by using rhyming words They really enjoyed it and gave each other positive feedback a refreshing change Then she read a chapter book to 5th graders and did online research individually with each of her accelerated students Team Journal Quotes 8

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W e d n e s d a y F e b r u a r y 1 3 2 0 1 9 John and Barb were back to their 6th and 2nd grade classrooms John finished up one on one tutoring of each student in world geography negative number concepts and reading then he went back to working with students needing extra help with reading Barb helped students complete assignments read half of Amelia Bedelia to the class and then taught all the math groups how to play addition and subtraction bingo by themselves W e d n e s d a y Team 2 0 2 0 1 9 Before school today James took us out for coffee at a remarkable place that makes their own chocolate croissants divine There we conversed with Josh a fascinating guy who attended the Paris Climate Agreement and who knows a great deal about politics T h u r s d a y Journal F e b r u a r y F e b r u a r y 2 1 2 0 1 9 What a beautiful and bittersweet day It was our last day working with their students Love hurts but it s worth it Quotes 10

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GLOBAL VOLUNTEERS 375 East Little Canada Road St Paul MN 55117 1628 USA 800 487 1074 toll free 651 482 0915 fax globalvolunteers org email globalvolunteers org GlobalVolunteers globalvolunteers globalvolunteers COOK ISLANDS TEAM 168 Thank you for your service